hard country honky tonk with the hoyle brothersThe Empty Bottle5 PM thehoylebrothershoylebrothers.combuy ticket
fitzgeralds sidebar presents: a charlie brown christmas happy hour in sidebar! ft. the chris white trioFitzGerald's5 PM event details
1st set with clark sommersAndy's Jazz Club & Restaurant6 PM clarksommersbassclarksommers.comevent details
hillbilly casino, rumours, and iris marloweCobra Lounge7 PM iris.marloweirismarlowemusicevent details
brother ali with ant, and special guest dee-1Bottom Lounge7 PM Brother Alibrotheraliisblindbuy ticket
the rumours / hillbilly casino / iris marloweCobra Lounge7 PM / $22.25iris.marloweirismarlowemusicbuy ticket
qrock and auris presents blink 312, love sux, basket case chicago, and more!Forge Pub7 PM event details
sebastian maniscalco: it ain't right tourPeoria Civic Center7 PM Sebastian ManiscalcoSebastiancomedyevent details
gozortenplat (frank zappa tribute ft. ray white)Reggies Chicago7 PM / $20nextplanetmusicNextPlanetBand2019buy ticket
jam presents the dead south, the reverend peyton's big damn bandThe Riviera Theatre7 PM event details
neal francis with smushie presented by 93xrtThalia Hall8 PM / $35Neal Francisnealfrancismusicbuy ticket
one christmas night in memphis – tributes to elvis presley, carl perkins, jerry lee lewis, and johnny cashDes Plaines Theatre8 PM event details
2nd set with clark sommersAndy's Jazz Club & Restaurant8 PM clarksommersbassclarksommers.comevent details
friday night in the sidebar w/ the nobodies and special guest phil angottiFitzGerald's8 PM phil.angotti.9buy ticket
nightcap music series with music by: chris kremerHey Nonny Live Music + Local Kitchen9 PM event details